Loureiro, Nuno Calçada; Ghosh, Satyabrata; Viana, J. C.; Esteves, José Luis
– Thermal characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates and poly(lactic acid) blends obtained by injection molding
, 2015
Ferreira, J. C. C.; Monteiro, T. S.; Lopes, A. C.; Costa, C. M.; Silva, Maria Manuela; Machado, A. V.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.
– Variation of the physicochemical and morphological characteristics of solvent casted poly(vinylidene fluoride) along its binary phase diagram with dimethylformamide
, 2015
Sousa, R. E.; Ferreira, J. C. C.; Costa, C. M.; Machado, A. V.; Silva, Maria Manuela; Lanceros-Méndez, S.
– Tailoring poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene) microstructure and physicochemical properties by exploring its binary phase diagram with dimethylformamide
, 2015
Parveen, Shama; Rana, Sohel; Fangueiro, Raúl; Paiva, M. C.
– Microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced cementitious composites developed using a novel dispersion technique
, 2015
Costa, S. F.; Duarte, F. M.; Covas, J. A.
– Thermal conditions affecting heat transfer in FDM/FFE: a contribution towards the numerical modelling of the process
, 2015
Teixeira, Paulo Francisco; Maia, João Manuel Luís Lopes; Covas, J. A.; Hilliou, L.
– A small-scale experimental extrusion set-up for exploring relationships between process-induced structures and characteristics of multiphase polymer systems
, 2015
Berthet, Marie-Alix; Angellier-Coussy, Hélène; Machado, Diogo; Hilliou, L.; Staebler, Andreas; Vicente, A. A.; Gontard, Nathalie
– Exploring the potentialities of using lignocellulosic fibres derived from three food by-products as constituents of biocomposites for food packaging
, 2015
Azevedo, Gabriela; Domingues, Bernardo; Abreu, Helena; Pinto, Isabel Sousa; Feio, Gabriel; Hilliou, L.
– Impact of cultivation of Mastocarpus stellatus in IMTA on the seaweeds chemistry and hybrid carrageenan properties
, 2015
Barbosa, Carlos N.; Carvalho, Francisco; Viana, J. C.; Franzen, Markus; Simoes, Ricardo
– Impact performance prediction of injection-molded talc-filled polypropylene through thermomechanical environment assessment
, 2015
Gonçalves, Idalina; Botelho, C. M.; Teixeira, Ana; Abreu, Ana S.; Hilliou, L.; Carla Manuela Pereira Marinho da; Paulo, Artur Cavaco
– Antimicrobial lubricant formulations containing poly(hydroxybenzene)-trimethoprim conjugates synthesized by tyrosinase
, 2015-05
Costa, P.; Ribeiro, S.; Botelho, Gabriela; Machado, A. V.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.
– Effect of butadiene/styrene ratio, block structure and carbon nanotube content on the mechanical and electrical properties of thermoplastic elastomers after UV ageing
, 2015
Abreu, Ana S.; Oliveira, M.; Machado, A. V.
– Effect of clay mineral addition on properties of bio-based polymer blends
, 2015
Gama, Óscar Sílvio Marques Almeida; Simões, Ricardo João Ferreira
– A hybrid MAC Scheme to improve the transmission performance in body sensor networks
, 2015
Sabet, Seyyed M. M.; Clark, Joel; Nóbrega, J. M.
– A cost study of common surface finish systems for steel structures
, 2015
Castro, H. F.; Sowade, E.; Rocha, J. G.; Alpuim, P.; Machado, A. V.; Baumann, R. R.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.
– Degradation of all-inkjet-printed organic thin-film transistors with TIPS-pentacene under processes applied in textile manufacturing
, 2015
Loureiro, N. C.; Esteves, J. L.; Viana, J. C.; Ghosh, Satyabrata
– Mechanical characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoate and poly(lactic acid) blends
, 2015-02-01
Lafranche, Eric; Oliveira, Vania M.; Martins, Carla I.; Krawczak, Patricia
– Prediction of injection-moulded flax fibre reinforced polypropylene tensile properties through a micro-morphology analysis
, 2015
Costa, Ângelo; Teixeira, Juliana Manuela Figueiredo Freitas; Santos, Nuno A.; Vardasca, Ricardo; Fernandes, José Eduardo; Machado, Ricardo J.; Novais, Paulo; Simões, Ricardo
– Promoting independent living and recreation in life through ambient assisted living technology
, 2015
Book Chapters
Santos, Nuno A.; Teixeira, Juliana Manuela Figueiredo Freitas; Pereira, António José Alves Pinto; Ferreira, Nuno Alexandre Castro; Lima, Ana Luísa Delgado; Simões, Ricardo; Machado, Ricardo J.
– A demonstration case on the derivation of process-level logical architectures for ambient assisted living ecosystems
, 2015
Book Chapters
Machado, A. V.; Araújo, Andreia Isabel Silva; Oliveira, Manuel
– Assessment of polymer-based nanocomposites biodegradability
, 2015
Book Chapters
Ferreira, Daniela Sofia Dias
– Molecularly designed self-assembling matrices for applications in regenerative medicine
, 2015-02-26
PhD Theses
Torres, Ana B. Faia
– Biochemical and physical surface functionalization of polycaprolactone as a key mediator of osteogenic differentiation and vascularized tissue morphogenesis
, 2015-07-23
PhD Theses
Matveeva, Anna
– Structure-property relationships in polymer nanocomposites
, 2015-05-08
PhD Theses
Pereira, José Rui Ribeiro da Cruz
– Insights into the role of biochemical factors and extracellular matrix environment during chondrocyte culture: relevance on articular cartilage repair strategies
, 2015-03-11
PhD Theses
Mihaila, Silvia Maria
– Routes to advance vascularized bone tissue engineering constructs
, 2015-02-12
PhD Theses
Sabet, Seyyed Mohammad Mohsen
– Designing next generation car washing machines with rotary brushes
, 2015-09-17
PhD Theses
Macedo, Maria João Mano Fernandes
– Produção de bioplásticos a partir de agro-resíduos
, 2015
MSc Theses
Fernandes, Bruna Marisa Raimundo
– Preparação de suspensões aquosas de nanopartículas de carbono para deposição em superfícies
, 2015
MSc Theses
Ferreira, Pedro Miguel Gonçalves
– A study of mechanical properties of multilayer polymer sheets containing a recycled layer
, 2015
MSc Theses
Moura, Duarte Alexandre Campos Serra
– Free-standing multilayered membranes based on graphene and natural polymers for biomedical applications
, 2015
MSc Theses
Fernandes, Tiago Fernando Morais
– Análise viscoelástica em projeto com polímeros termoplásticos
, 2015-12-14
MSc Theses
Khaliq, Muhammad Hussam
– Key features of materials for the fused deposition modelling process
, 2015
MSc Theses
Dias, Sandra Marina Ferreira
– Compósitos de PVC com resíduos de café
, 2015
MSc Theses
Costa, Ana Cristina Jesus
– Study of stability of multilayers films based on natural polymers
, 2015
MSc Theses
Vieira, Abílio José Araújo
– Pultrusão de perfis para aplicações avançadas a partir de towpregs de elevado desempenho
, 2015
MSc Theses
Ferreira, João Manuel Duarte
– Modelling the polymeric profile extrusion cooling stage with OpenFOAM®
, 2015
MSc Theses
Oliveira, Bruno André Martins
– Investigação e desenvolvimento de cabos em material polimérico para acionamento de autoclismos
, 2015
MSc Theses
Lopes, Leandro Rodrigues
– Impressão FDM de pares de materiais funcionais
, 2015
MSc Theses
Silva, Célia Maria Gomes Pereira da
– Revestimentos têxteis com poliuretano hot-melt para uso hospitalar
, 2015-12-16
MSc Theses
Freitas, Verónica Catarina Silva de
– Nanocompósitos polibutileno tereftalato - nanotubos de carbono: influência das condições de processamento na dispersão e propriedades
, 2015
MSc Theses
Silva, Joana Luísa Padrão Cruz Costa e
– Desenvolvimento de membranas de acetato de celulose contendo nanopartículas de prata-alumínio
, 2015
MSc Theses
Bastos, Lourenço Manuel Ferreira
– Modelação constitutiva de materiais carregados com fibras
, 2015
MSc Theses
Gonçalves, Sara Isabel Silva
– Análise, avaliação e otimização do processo de injeção de peças plásticas
, 2015-12-17
MSc Theses
Miranda, Ana Catarina Pinheiro de
– Caracterização da contaminação de PCB's
, 2015
MSc Theses
Rodrigues, Pedro António Veiga
– Estudos de dispersão de nanografite em polipropileno
, 2015
MSc Theses
González González, Emma del Carmen
– LAOS characterization of polymer modified bitumens
, 2015
MSc Theses
Marinho, Andréa Teixeira Pimenta
– Modification of chitosan based membranes with polydopamine
, 2015
MSc Theses
Ramôa, Bruno Manuel Oliveira
– Characterisation and prediction of mechanical properties of injection moulded polypropylene
, 2015
MSc Theses
Ribeiro, Daniel de Freitas
– Estudo da influência de nanotubos de carbono funcionalizados nas propriedades de revestimentos de poliuretano
, 2015
MSc Theses
Melo, David Emanuel Vale; Nunes, J. P.; Vasconcelos, M.
– Development of a new U 200 pultrusion die to produce GRP composite profiles using different thermosetting resins
, 2015-06-21