Leite, Tiago Maurício; Freitas, Cláudia; Magalhães, Roberto; Ferreira da Silva, Alexandre; Alves, José R.; Viana, J. C.; Delgado, Isabel
– Decoupling of temperature and strain effects on optical fiber-based measurements of thermomechanical loaded printed circuit board assemblies
, 2023-10-18
Silva, Hugo Miguel Andrade Lopes Figueiredo; Noversa, João Tiago; Fernandes, Leandro; Rodrigues, Hugo Luís; Pontes, A. J.
– Design optimization of conformal cooling channels for injection molds: 3D transient heat transfer analysis
, 2023-05-03
Bastos, Lourenço; Duarte, F. M.; Viana, J. C.; Silva, Filipe; Nogueira, Miguel; Carneiro, Filipa
– A numerical methodology to support the development of liquid adhesive spreading patterns on display bonding process
, 2023-09
Pais, Jorge C.; Santos, Caio Rubens; Cabette, Marina; Hilliou, L.; Ribeiro, Jorge; Wang, Hainian; Mohd Hasan, Mohd Rosli
– Feasibility of using bio-oil from biodiesel production for bio-bitumen creation
, 2023
Sousa, João; Teixeira, Paulo F.; Hilliou, L.; Covas, J. A.
– Experimental validation of a micro-extrusion set-up with in-line rheometry for the production and monitoring of filaments for 3D-printing
, 2023
Braz, Joana Filipa Barros; Dencheva, Nadya Vasileva; Tohidi, Shafagh Dinparast; Denchev, Z.
– Fast, multiple-use optical biosensor for point-of-care glucose detection with mobile devices based on bienzyme cascade supported on polyamide 6 microparticles
, 2023-06-24
Silva, Magda Sofia Gonçalves; Pinho, Isabel; Gonçalves, Hugo; Vale, Ana C.; Paiva, Maria C.; Alves, Natália M.; Covas, J. A.
– Engineering ligament scaffolds based on PLA/graphite nanoplatelet composites by 3D printing or braiding
, 2023-03-07
Guarda, Cátia; Faria, Bruno Miguel Silva; Silvestre, Nuno; Lopes, José N. Canongia
– Influence of matrix recrystallization and nanofiller porosity on the interfacial properties of holey graphene-aluminium nanocomposites
, 2023-02-25
Capeto, Ana Paula; Uribe, Braian Esneider Buitrago; Pintado, Manuela; Guimarães, Ana Sofia; Oliveira, Ana L. S.
– Synthesis of thermoset elastomer from microbial oil derived from the fermentation of sugarcane
, 2023
Capêto, Ana Paula; Amorim, Manuela; Sousa, Sérgio; Costa, Joana R.; Uribe, Braian Esneider Buitrago; Guimarães, Ana Sofia; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira, Ana L. S.
– Fire-resistant bio-based polyurethane foams designed with two by-products derived from sugarcane fermentation process
, 2023
Pedroso, Luís D.; Pontes, A. J.; Alves, António; Duarte, F. M.; Carneiro, O. S.
– From transparent to opaque: a route towards multifunctional parts injected with a single material
, 2023-09-15
Andrade, Mariana A.; Barbosa, Cássia H.; Cerqueira, Miguel A.; Azevedo, Ana Gabriela; Barros, Carolina Lemos; Machado, A. V.; Coelho, Anabela; Furtado, Rosália; Correia, Cristina Belo; Saraiva, Margarida; Vilarinho, Fernanda; Silva, Ana Sanches; Ramos, Fernando
– PLA films loaded with green tea and rosemary polyphenolic extracts as an active packaging for almond and beef
, 2023-02-03
Maia, Maria Luz; Vieira, Elsa F.; Grosso, Clara; Lopes, Graciliana; Vasconcelos, Vítor; Hilliou, L.; Delerue-Matos, Cristina
– Integrated approach applying ultrasound-assisted extraction to recover bioactive material from Chondrus crispus
, 2023
Souza, Hiléia K. S.; Kraiem, Wala; Ben Yahia, Amine; Aschi, Adel; Hilliou, L.
– From seaweeds to hydrogels: Recent progress in kappa-2 carrageenans
, 2023-07-31
Cunha, P.; Teixeira, R.; Carneiro, O. S.; Ferreira da Silva, Alexandre
– Multi-material fused filament fabrication: an expedited methodology to assess the affinity between different materials
, 2023
Kharrat, Fatma; Chaari, Rania; Khlif, Mohamed; Hilliou, L.; Covas, J. A.; Haboussi, Mohamed; Bradai, Chedly
– Bulge test technique and digital image correlation for the determination of the biaxial behavior of polymeric films
, 2023
Hammes, Nathalia; Ribeiro, Carolina; Machado, Catarina; Ferreira, João; Campos, Ricardo Emanuel Ribeiro; Faye, Djibril; Cortez, Ana; Melo, Sandra; Duarte, F. M.; Pontes, A. J.; Viana, J. C.; Pedrosa, Paulo Eduardo Teixeira Baptista; Homem, Natália Cândido
– Materials screening and characterization for functional printed automotive interiors parts
, 2023
Kharrat, F.; Khlif, M.; Hilliou, L.; Covas, J. A.; Haboussi, M.; Bradai, C.
– Application of the bulge test combined with 3D-DIC for biaxial characterization of PLA films and defect detection
, 2023
Esteves, David Seixas; Durães, Nelson; Pedroso, Rúben; Melo, Amanda; Paiva, Maria C.; Sequeiros, Elsa W.
– Fabrication of low electrical percolation threshold multi-walled carbon nanotube sensors using magnetic patterning
, 2023-01-21
Martins, Luís C.; Silva, Cátia Samanta Ribeiro; Fernandes, Leandro Cunha; Sampaio, Álvaro M.; Pontes, A. J.
– Evaluating the electromagnetic shielding of continuous carbon fiber parts produced by additive manufacturing
, 2023-12-08
Carvalho, Daniel; Marques, Sandra Mariana Silva; Siqueira, Giorgia; Ferreira, Armando José Barros; Santos, João; Geraldo, Dulce; Castro, Maria Cidália Rodrigues; Machado, A. V.; Vaz, Filipe; Lopes, Cláudia Jesus Ribeiro
– Enhancing the longevity and functionality of Ti-Ag dry electrodes for remote biomedical applications: a comprehensive study
, 2023-10-01
Barros, Carolina; Miranda, Sónia; Castro, Olga; Carneiro, O. S.; Machado, A. V.
– LDPE-Nanoclay films for food packaging with improved barrier properties
, 2023-01-12
Faria, Bruno Miguel Silva; Silvestre, Nuno; Lopes, José N. Canongia Lopes
– Tensile and compressive behavior of CHC-Reinforced copper using molecular dynamics
, 2023-03-27
Baptista, Rosa Maria Ferreira; Gomes, Clara S. B.; Silva, Bruna Machado; Oliveira, joão; Almeida, B. G.; Castro, Maria Cidália Rodrigues; Rodrigues, Pedro António Veiga; Machado, A. V.; Freitas, Ruben Brandão; Rodrigues, Manuel José Lima Ferreira; de Matos Gomes, Etelvina; Belsley, M.
– A polymorph of dipeptide halide glycyl-L-alanine hydroiodide monohydrate: crystal structure, optical second harmonic generation, piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity
, 2023-05-12
Abbass, Ali; Paiva, Maria C.; Oliveira, Daniel V.; Lourenço, Paulo B.; Fangueiro, Raúl
– Graphene/polyurethane nanocomposite coatings – Enhancing the mechanical properties and environmental resistance of natural fibers for masonry retrofitting
, 2023
Matos, Joana; Santos, Sara; Simões, Carla L.; Martins, Carla I.; Simões, Ricardo
– Practical application of circularity micro-indicators to automotive plastic parts in an industrial context
, 2023-11-10
Leite, Tiago Mauricio; Freitas, Claúdia; Magalhães, Roberto; Silva, Alexandre F.; Ferreira da Silva, Alexandre; Alves, José Ricardo; Viana, J. C.; Delgado, Isabel
– Temperature calibration for distributed temperature sensing of printed circuit boards using optical fiber sensors
, 2023-09
Oliveira, Rui Carlos Mendes de; Viana, J. C.; Sampaio, Paulo
– Optical bonding process of flat panel displays and their critical-to-quality factors
, 2023-02
Lopes, A. C.; Sampaio, Álvaro M.; Fernandes, F.; Vaz, P. M.; Pontes, A. J.
– Design and industrial implementation of a multi-functional part produced by powder bed fusion
, 2023-08-30
Matos, Joana; Martins, Carla I.; Simões, Carla L.; Simões, Ricardo João Ferreira
– Comparative analysis of micro level indicators for evaluating the progress towards a circular economy
, 2023-06
Silva, Magda Sofia Gonçalves; Gomes, Susana; Correia, Cátia Sofia Palma; Peixoto, Daniela; Vinhas, Carla Adriana Araújo; Rodrigues, Márcia T.; Gomes, Manuela E.; Covas, J. A.; Paiva, Maria C.; Alves, N. M.
– Biocompatible 3D-printed tendon/ligament scaffolds based on polylactic acid/graphite nanoplatelet composites
, 2023-09-08
Rodrigues, Pedro António Veiga; Ramôa, Bruno Manuel Oliveira; Torres, Ana Rita Oliveira; Castro, Maria Cidália Rodrigues; Machado, A. V.
– Enhancing the interface behavior on polycarbonate/elastomeric blends: morphological, structural, and thermal characterization
, 2023-04-02
Vilaça, Helena; Carvalho, André; Castro, Tarsila Gabriel; Castanheira, Elisabete M. S.; Hilliou, L.; Hamley, Ian; Melle-Franco, Manuel; Ferreira, Paula M. T.; Martins, J. A. R.
– Unveiling the role of capping groups in naphthalene N-capped dehydrodipeptide hydrogels
, 2023-06-06
Bastos, Lourenço; Alves, Marco; Sousa, Bruno; Vilela, Andreia; Rietter, Luciano; Duarte, F. M.; Carneiro, Filipa; Żmijewska-Rocha, Agnieszka
– Transmission laser welding of thermoplastics: influence of welding parameters and rib dimensions on the strength of welded joints
, 2023-11
Costa, R.; Clain, S.; Machado, G. J.; Nóbrega, J. M.; Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F.
– Imposing slip conditions on curved boundaries for 3D incompressible flows with a very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on polygonal meshes
, 2023, October
Simoes, R
– Current and Future Opportunities for 3D Printing in Modern Board Games
, 2023
Rocha, A.; Sule, E.; Romero, F.; Simoes, R.
– Advancing sustainability through efficient production processes: integrating ISO standards, Lean Six Sigma and artificial intelligence
, 2023
Fernandes, C.; Faroughi, Salah Aldin; Ferrás, Luís Jorge Lima; Afonso, Alexandre Miguel Prior
– Advanced polymer simulation and processing Volume II
, 2023-03
Fernandes, C.; Faroughi, Salah Aldin; Ferrás, Luís Jorge Lima; Afonso, Alexandre Miguel Prior
– Advanced polymer simulation and processing Volume I
, 2023-03
Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Costa, Paulo; Monaco, Francisco; Delbem, Alexandre
– Reducing the number of objectives for many-objectives optimization: empirical analysis of a machine learning approach
, 2023
Book Chapters
Chugh, T.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Deutz, A. H.; Duro, J. A.; Oara, D. C.; Rahat, A.
– Identifying correlations in understanding and solving many-objective optimisation problems
, 2023-07-29
Book Chapters
Rocha, Helena Cristina Lopes
– Smart composite parts with multifunctional properties ready to fly
, 2023-05-05
PhD Theses
Lopes, Ana Carina Ferreira
– Methodology for parameters optimization and development of new materials for additive manufacturing of SLS products
, 2023-06-02
PhD Theses
Teixeira, Patrícia Gouveia
– Design e desenvolvimento de produtos ortopédicos personalizáveis para membros inferiores
, 2023-10-12
MSc Theses
Faria, Catarina Isabel Oliveira
– Influência das condições do processo in-mold electronics na produção de componentes funcionais
, 2023-12-26
MSc Theses
Borges, Sara Daniela Gomes
– Incorporação de material reciclado de peças pintadas
, 2023-12-26
MSc Theses
Silva, Marcos Vaz
– Algas como recurso sustentável e criação de embalagens à base de alginato para saladas prontas a comer
, 2023-10-14
MSc Theses
Barbosa, Sara de Jesus Costa
– Desenvolvimento de compósitos de biopolímeros e cargas naturais para termoformação de alvéolos de fruta
, 2023-01-20
MSc Theses
Cerqueira, Gabriel Carvalho
– Estudo e otimização dos processos de injeção e de pintura de um produto fabricado em PBT reforçado para a área automóvel
, 2023-10-04
MSc Theses
Victor, Nhlapo Thutswana
– Circularity of thermoplastic matrix composites and applications
, 2023-12-15