

Ferreira, Tânia; Paiva, M. C.; Pontes, A. J.Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polyamide 6 for microinjection moulding , 2013-10

Teixeira, P. F.; Hilliou, L.; Covas, J. A.; Maia, J. M.Assessing the practical utility of the hole-pressure method for the in-line rheological characterization of polymer melts , 2013

Rodrigues, Alexandre; Nabankur, Deb; Hilliou, L.; Viana, J. C.; Bucknall, David G.; Bernardo, GabrielLow temperature solid state processing of pure P3HT fibers , 2013

Silva, M.; Gago, P. T.; Medeiros, L.; Bom, J.; Mateus, A.; Soares, R.; Pontes, A. J.BigProto – fabrico avançado de protótipos técnicos de grandes dimensões , 2013-01

Dencheva, Nadya Vasileva; Denchev, Z.Clay distribution and crystalline structure evolution in polyamide 6/montmorillonite composites prepared by activated Anionic polymerization , 2013-04-19

Machado, A. V.; Amorim, Sara; Botelho, Gabriela; Neves, Isabel C.; Fonseca, António ManuelNanocomposites of poly(ε-caprolactone) doped with titanium species , 2013

Lanoë, Thomas; Simões, Carla L.; Simões, RicardoImproving the environmental performance of bedding products by using life cycle assessment at the design stage , 2013

Costantino, Alejandra; Pettarin, Valeria; Viana, J. C.; Pontes, A. J.; Pouzada, A. S.Polypropylene/clay nanocomposites produced by shear controlled orientation in injection moulding : deformation and fracture properties , 2013-11

Cunha, Maria Manuela Cruz; Miranda, Isabel; Lopes, Nuno; Simões, Ricardo João FerreiraAn e-marketplace of healthcare and social care services: the perceived interest , 2013

Hilbig, Travis; Brostow, Witold; Simões, RicardoSimulating scratch behavior of polymers with mesoscopic molecular dynamics , 2013

Pouzada, A. S.Rediscovering structural foams in injection moulding , 2013-10

Rocha, Javier R.; Yang, Kevin Z.; Hilbig, Travis; Brostow, Witold; Simões, RicardoPolymer indentation with mesoscopic molecular dynamics , 2013

Santos, R. M.; Botelho, Gabriela; Machado, AnaInfluence of the testing conditions on the efficiency and durability of stabilizers against ABS photo-oxidation , 2013

Simões, Carla L.; Simões, Ricardo; Carvalho, J. M. Valério de; Pontes, A. J.; Bernardo, C. A.The quest for a sustainable product : an environmental study of tyre recyclates , 2013

Vasco, Joel Oliveira Correia; Ferreira, Isabel S.; Pouzada, A. S.Evaluation of the performance of micromoulding blocks using micromanufacturing technologies , 2013

Barbas, J. M.; Machado, A. V.; Covas, J. A.Evolution of dispersion along the extruder during the manufacture of polymer-organoclay nanocomposites , 2013

Vardasca, Ricardo; Costa, Ângelo; Mendes, P. M.; Novais, Paulo; Simões, RicardoInformation and technology implementation issues in AAL solutions , 2013

Vasco, Joel Oliveira Correia; Pouzada, A. S.A study on microinjection moulding using moulding blocks by additive micromanufacturing , 2013

Bernardo, GabrielDiffusivity of alcohols in amorphous polystyrene , 2013

Brostow, Witold; Deshpande, Sameer; Hilbig, Travis; Simões, RicardoMolecular dynamics computer simulation of scratch resistance testing of polymers : visualization , 2013

Gonçalves, N. D.; Carneiro, O. S.; Nóbrega, J. M.Design of complex profile extrusion dies through numerical modeling , 2013

Dencheva, Nadya Vasileva; Denchev, Z.; Pouzada, A. S.; Sampaio, Ana Sofia; Rocha, A. M.Structure–properties relationship in single polymer composites based on polyamide 6 prepared by in-mold anionic polymerization , 2013

Oliveira, M.; Nogueira, R.; Machado, A. V.Hybrid nanocomposite preparation in a batch mixer and a twin-screw extruder , 2013

Zhiltsova, T. V.; Oliveira, M. S. A.; Ferreira, J. A.; Vasco, Joel Oliveira Correia; Pouzada, A. S.; Pontes, A. J.Polymer flow dynamics in microimpressions : an experimental approach , 2013-02

Todorov, Lyudmil V.; Martins, Carla I.; Viana, J. C.In situ WAXS/SAXS structural evolution study during uniaxial stretching of poly(ethylene therephthalate) nanocomposites in solid state: Poly(ethylene therephthalate)/montmorillonite nanocomposites , 2013-06-05

Novo, P. J.; Nunes, J. P.; Silva, J. F.; Tinoco, V.; Marques, A. T.Production of thermoplastics matrix preimpregnated materials to manufacture composite pultruded profiles , 2013

Nunes, J. P.; Silva, J. F.; Novo, PauloProcessing thermoplastic matrix towpregs by pultrusion , 2013

Rodrigues, F. D.; Cunha, Mara; Hilliou, L.; Rino, L.; Correia, M. R.; Busani, T.; Bernardo, Gabriel; Wiggers, H.; Filonovich, Sergej; Pereira, RicardoImpact of composition and morphology on the optical properties of Si-NC/P3HT thin films processed from solution , 2013-05-17

Costantino, Alejandra; Pettarin, Valeria; Viana, J. C.; Pontes, A. J.; Pouzada, A. S.; Frontini, P. M.Morphology-performance relationship of polypropylene-nanoclay composites processed by shear controlled injection moulding , 2013-06

Oliveira, M.; Machado, A. V.Preparation and characterization of ethylene-vinyl acetate nanocomposites: enhanced flame retardant , 2013

Santos, R. M.; Botelho, Gabriela; Cramez, M. C.; Machado, AnaOutdoor and accelerated weathering of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene : a correlation study , 2013

Simões, Carla L.; Pinto, Lígia; Bernardo, C. A.Enviromental and economic assessment of road safety product made with virgin and recycled HDPE : a comparative study , 2013

Rodrigues, Alexandre; Castro, M. Cidália R.; Farinha, Andreia S. F.; Oliveira, Manuel; Tomé, João P. C.; Machado, A. V.; Raposo, M. Manuela M.; Hilliou, L.; Bernardo, GabrielThermal stability of P3HT and P3HT : PCBM blends in the molten state , 2013-08-23

Oliveira, Mariana Braga; Machado, A. V.The role of phosphorus on eutrophication: a historical review and future perspectives , 2013

Silva, Jaime; Simões, Ricardo; Lanceros-Méndez, S.Modeling carbon nanotube electrical properties in CNT/polymer composites , 2013
Book Chapters

Bernardo, Gabriel; Bucknall, David G.Recent progress in the understanding and manipulation of morphology in polymer: fullerene photovoltaic cells , 2013
Book Chapters

Oliveira, M.; Machado, A. V.Preparation of polymer-based nanocomposites by different routes , 2013
Book Chapters

Santos, Raquel Miriam Barbosa dosPhoto-oxidative degradation and stabilization of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) , 2013-01-28
PhD Theses

Costa, Rui Filipe Ramos daNanostructured functional multilayer coatings incorporating biomimetic macromolecules for biomedical applications , 2013-12-19
PhD Theses

Costa, SidonieFree Form Extrusion : extrusion of 3D components using complex polymeric systems , 2013-06-20
PhD Theses

Custódio, Catarina A.Immobilization of biomolecules into biodegradable polymeric based substrates for selective recruitment and adhesion of cells for tissue engineering applications , 2013-12-16
PhD Theses

Cerqueira, M. T.Unravel key elements of tissue engineering constructs in the route to skin regeneration , 2013-11-21
PhD Theses

Barbas, J. M.The use of on-line characterization technologies during the manufacture of nanostructured materials , 2013-12-13
PhD Theses

Monteiro, NelsonDevelopment of advanced release systems for stem cell based therapies , 2013-12-17
PhD Theses

Correia, Mário SimõesModelling the ejection friction in injection moulding , 2013-03-04
PhD Theses

Fernandes, E. M.New functionalization - reinforcement strategies for cork plastics composites: opening a wide range of innovative applications for cork based products , 2013-12-20
PhD Theses

Teixeira, CristinaDesigning screws for polymer compounding in twin-screw extruders , 2013-10-01
PhD Theses

Cerqueira, Susana R.Cell targeted nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for spinal cord injury regeneration , 2013-12-16
PhD Theses

Oliveira, André PereiraAvaliação e seleção de materiais para ortóteses plantares , 2013
MSc Theses

Carvalho, João Pedro Ferreira deDefinição de condições de pintura de peças para autorrádio , 2013
MSc Theses